0xPAD price

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Total supply
100M 0XPAD
Max. supply
100M 0XPAD
Self-reported circulating supply

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About 0xPAD

0xPAD is a multi-chain LaunchPad and a Decentralized Incubator Protocol. It is a blockchain project that is set to decentralize seed funding and angel investing, while bringing innovative ideas, projects and opportunities to our supporters.

The goals of 0xPad are two fold, they are:

  1. Project Support Goals: Providing innovative projects with the support and resources they need to succeed. Such projects are either supported in early seed funding stage through our incubator program or in the market entry stage through our LaunchPad.
  2. Best Earning and Investment Opportunities for Users: Users of 0xPad gain early investment opportunities to high quality and innovative projects on a regular basis. Our users can invest in these projects at the seed funding stage through our novel decentralized incubator protocol or in the market entry stage by participating in IDO or token generation events held in our LaunchPad. This gives our users entry points to maximize the turnover of their investments. In addition to these, users also earn great staking and liquidity mining rewards.