Aladdin sdCRV priceASDCRV
For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
- Total supply
- Self-reported circulating supply
- 6.77M ASDCRV
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About Aladdin sdCRV
asdCRV is an sdCRV auto-compounder with high yields and an exciting new capability: veSDT boost farming!
asdCRV augments sdCRV with new capabilities in three ways: 1. All yields (CRV, 3CRV, and SDT) are automatically reinvested for more sdCRV 2. asdCRV vaults are automatically veSDT-boosted for higher yields 3.veSDT holders can earn yields by delegating their boost to Concentrator
The core of the asdCRV vault is of course Concentrator’s powerful and trusted compounding service. sdCRV offers high yields on liquid locked CRV with yields in 3CRV, CRV and SDT that must be claimed regularly. For those who just want more sdCRV, asdCRV does the work for you automatically — claiming, swapping, and compounding them for more sdCRV. All the awesome benefits of auto-compounding apply: higher yields due to compounding, transaction costs spread across all depositors for huge gas savings, and the simple, elegant convenience of set-and-forget earning.