Amnis Staked Aptos coin price


5.26% (1d)

Amnis Staked Aptos coin to USD Chart

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Amnis Staked Aptos coin statistics

Market cap


Volume (24h)


Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
18.42M STAPT
Max. supply
18.42M STAPT
Circulating supply
18.42M STAPT
STAPT to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Dec 07, 2024 (3 months ago)
All-time low
Aug 05, 2024 (7 months ago)
See historical data

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Amnis Staked Aptos coin Markets

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About Amnis Staked Aptos coin

stAPT (Amnis Staked Aptos coin) is a vault designed to accrue the staking yield of the Amnis APT validators. At any time, amAPT can be exchanged for stAPT by depositing it into the stAPT vault, which allows users to earn staking yield on their amAPT. Over time, as validators accrue staking yield, an equivalent amount of amAPT is minted and added to the vault, allowing users to redeem their stAPT for a greater amount of amAPT than they deposited.

The exhange rate of amAPT per stAPT increases over time as staking rewards are added to the vault. By holding stATP, you hold a % claim on an increasing amount of the vault's amAPT, splitting staking rewards up among stAPT holders proportional to their share of the total stAPT. This is similar to other autocompounding tokens like Aave's aUSDC and Compound's cUSDC.

What is Amnis Staked Aptos coin?

What is the technology behind Amnis Staked Aptos coin?

What are the real-world applications of Amnis Staked Aptos coin?

What key events have there been for Amnis Staked Aptos coin?

Who are the founders of Amnis Staked Aptos coin?


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