AXIS Token price


0.49% (1d)

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AXIS Token statistics

Market cap


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Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
Max. supply
Circulating supply
320.3M AXIS
AXIS to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Jul 13, 2021 (4 years ago)
All-time low
Dec 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
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About AXIS Token

What is AXIS Token?

What is AXIS Token? AXIS Token is a multi-purpose AI-powered token fueling digital freight supply chain movements. The network targets the removal of $200 billion in managed freight brokerage fees in the U.S. (more than $2 trillion globally), as well as eliminating nearly 30 billion empty truck miles per year in America alone. The global supply chain is crippled by inefficiencies and old school logistics processes that the AXIS Token and blockchain platform is tackling head-on. AXIS Tokens represent the network's digital assets, which will be utilized for - among other things - building network connections, accessing network data, managing and monitoring real-time shipments and milestones, establishing data-backed driver and carrier performance scores and risk assessment scores, and generating critical KPIs such as average loading and unloading times at shipping docks. Suppliers and insurance companies are also incentivized to participate in the network by utilizing AXIS Tokens to gain critical business insights. Additionally, AXIS Tokens can be used to acquire various services like decentralized lending, ai-load matchmaking, spare capacity trading, access to insurace markets, and network advertising. What Makes AXIS Unique? AXIS Token solves real-world supply chain problems in an atypical way by employing blockchain’s decentralized nature to redefine how freight movements should operate. In addition to its multitude of utilitarian uses, the AXIS Token also serves as an API key to access the LaneAxis blockchain ecosystem. On the token-holder side, AXIS owners can stake their tokens for a set period of time and earn a yield for their contribution. Creating a global community around LaneAxis’ Direct Freight Network will generate unparalleled liquidity for the AXIS token and expand its utility features for every supply chain participant. This way it has the potential to further branch into related areas such as retail and eCommerce. Simply put, the AXIS Token and blockchain platform is singular in its ability to slash bloat and inefficiencies from freight movements, while injecting transparency, direct connectivity, and automation into this badly broken industry.


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