Bitblocks price

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Total supply
273.2M BBK
Max. supply
584M BBK
Circulating supply
263.88M BBK

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About Bitblocks

Launched on 08/01/2018, BitBlocks is a business-oriented cryptocurrency directed towards entertainment, especially gaming (e.g. eSports, events, conferences). The Bitblocks network was built to reward its network supporters via block rewards (Staking / Masternode reward). By utilizing PoS combined with MasterNodes, BitBlocks aims to deliver nearly zero transaction fees. Forked from PIVX, Bitblocks has a privacy feature that allows users to choose between traceable or anonymous transactions. This privacy feature is reached by using joint payments. By merging transactions together and splitting them up again, it becomes difficult or near impossible to trace transactions from specific wallet addresses. Bitblocks transactions are designed to be fast like PIVX and Dash.