Arcas price


0.50% (1d)

Arcas has migrated to a new contract address from the old contract address. Check their announcement here.

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Arcas statistics

Market cap


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Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
Max. supply
Circulating supply
69.43M ARCAS
ARCAS to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Nov 25, 2021 (3 years ago)
All-time low
Oct 26, 2023 (1 year ago)
See historical data

Arcas has migrated to a new contract address from the old contract address. Check their announcement here.

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About Arcas

Arcas is a Binance backed and Soneium Spark incubated Gaming studio focused on the innovation and development of value driven blockchain gaming.

The project's primary focus is the creation of fun and engaging games, the first of which is ARCAS CHAMPIONS

Arcas Champions is a competitive, objective based third-person ability shooter built on Unreal Engine 5 and with an emphasis on teamwork and synergies.

The game uses in-house developed Skillstaking, a novel protocol designed to break the barriers of eSports by leveraging the trustless nature of the blockchain, empower Gamers to have control over their games and allow for a more efficient ascent to professional gaming through the tokenisation of ranked matchmaking score (MMR) - a Real World Asset

Our approach is to harmoniously separate the aspects of Gaming and Investing. Gamers don’t need the token and can enter Free-to-Play, However, by purchasing in-game Champions that they can level up and customise - they can play more competitively.

Rank (MMR) is written on-chain and allows $ARCAS token holders to back players and unlock revenue share. By doing so - Players are delegated voting power for game development and direction and earn a performance fee on the yield generated by their stakers.

In addition, Governance is handled by the Arcas Council by way of the $ARCAS token, helping to support players in the game through a "Compete and Earn" framework made possible through SkillStaking.


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