CARV price


2.98% (1d)

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Total supply
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Circulating supply
185.85M CARV
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Price performance
All-time high
Nov 02, 2024 (4 months ago)
All-time low
Oct 10, 2024 (4 months ago)
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About CARV

What is CARV

The fusion of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and blockchain is heralding a transformative era, unlocking possibilities that once belonged to the realm of science fiction. From Descartes' Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) to modern-day debates on brain-in-a-vat thought experiments, humanity has always grappled with the essence of intelligence, autonomy, and trust.

At CARV, we aim to address these age-old philosophical questions by not only empowering AGI with the capability to think and act but also providing it with sensory tools—the eyes and ears—to perceive and comprehend the world.

As Darwinian evolution shaped life on Earth, CARV envisions a new form of evolution for AGI: one driven by the aggregation, sharing, and refinement of high-quality on-chain and off-chain data. AGI can transcend the boundaries of isolated intelligence, evolving collaboratively within a decentralized ecosystem, just as humans evolved through shared experiences, competition, and adaptation. Two fundamental pillars to accelerate towards this goal are Compute and Data, and CARV has set off to solve the Data problem from day 1.

The digital revolution has propelled data to the forefront of innovation. Today, 146GB of personal data is generated per individual daily across diverse platforms, from communication and content consumption to onchain transactions and beyond. Yet, while data has become the foundation of artificial intelligence, the value it generates often remains concentrated in the hands of a few.

The lack of control over personal data not only undermines privacy but also excludes individuals from participating in the value their data creates. Privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, along with measures like cookie tracking reduction, have introduced partial solutions, but they fall short of addressing the need for true data sovereignty. Here's where CARV steps in.

CARV is building an AI chain ecosystem to enable data sovereignty at scale.

SVM Chain

D.A.T.A. (Data Authentication, Trust, and Attestation) Framework


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