Chicken Zilla price

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About Chicken Zilla

Chicken Zilla pecked its way into the Binance Smart Chain scene on Nov 21st, 2021! From humble liquidity beginnings, Chicken Zilla has continued to grow and amaze everyone who has witnessed their journey. Chicken Zilla is an immersive crypto gaming and comfort food chain via their own Chickenverse Ecosystem on Binance Smart Chain.

The BUSD rewards from Chicken Zilla are paid out based on volume and number of holders. This method is used to maximize BUSD rewards for investors and minimize gas costs. As the number of holders increases, the BUSD rewards are collected and paid out in groupings. Chicken Zilla at launch rocketed up and will continue to fly to new achievements while consistently distributing BEP20 BUSD to its holders. Liquidity will continue to grow as a liquidity tax on every transaction is added to the Liquidity Pool. Consistent marketing and community outreach are critical to the vision of Chicken Zilla. The team strives to always have something new and exciting for holders right around the corner.

Chicken Zilla will be using the Hold to Play and Play to Earn models in tandem in their greater "Chickenverse." This incentivizes investing in the token or NFTs to access and play the game while the Play to Earn model will provide in game and out of game opportunities for people to earn additional NFTs or tokens. We are creating a game that will incorporate NFTs to provide value and function to the game. With these NFTs, members get to show off their support for Chicken Zilla, be provided with special characters, power-ups, and the chance to earn while they play. The game will have a payout structure for achievements in the form of NFTs that provide additional functionality in the game! This will be an ever-expanding game made exclusive to Chicken Zilla holders. It will also include a marketplace for buying/selling NFTs that will be playable in the game. Farming for Chicken Zilla on a farm to be determined in the future. A bridge to the Avalanche blockchain is to be implemented and also bridges to other networks as a part of a bigger “Chickenverse.” The whole project will culminate in a chain of food carts and restaurants that will accept crypto and charge an extra fee for fiat users that will benefit holders of Chicken Zilla. Innovation in marketing and platform will differentiate Chicken Zilla from any other rewards token out there as it is truly much more!

TAX EXPLANATION • 15% tax when buying or selling. • 5% Marketing fund. • 5% BUSD reflections to holders. • 3% Liquidity tax for rising price floor. • 2% Developing team payment for continued innovation and their work.

The known developer Jakob Adamič From Slovenia, is beginning his crypto journey as a developer. He is being mentored by an experienced group of developers with many projects behind them and a team with experience in all facets of marketing and cryptocurrency.

There are 1 Quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) Tokens in circulation and this will be lowered through manual burns to raise the price floor.

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Chicken Zilla aims to deliver maximum transparency and this is accomplished on the Binance Smart Chain. Any security issues relate to those which affect all BEP-20 standard tokens. Transactions, for example, can suffer from abnormally high fees if gas prices on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain spike.

As a token on the Binance Smart Chain you can purchase it on the Pancakeswap DEX. You can reach it with the following link :

Though the fee for the tax is only 15% you will need to set your slippage to 18-20% depending on price impact and volume. If you are new to cryptocurrency and decentralized exchanges check out the following link for more information:

New to crypto? Read Pancakeswap’s guide on their website to learn more!