CZRED price

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Total supply
421.9K CZR
Max. supply
430.2K CZR
Self-reported circulating supply
427.71K CZR


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What is CZRED (CZR)?

CZRED is a suite of dapps delivering quality products to blockchain customers globally. Most products delivered by blockchain are designed to be "Buyer-Beware". Users are expected to do extensive due diligence before purchasing an appealing product. This due diligence is not realistic when addressing a global audience with limited English literacy. Of course, blockchain projects are aware of these issues and take actions to remedy them. However, the high costs of launching new tokens with liquidity force budgets to be allocated primarily towards marketing rather than to product quality. CZRED attempts to fix this issue through technologies allowing community vetted businesses to easily release both physical and digital products via blockchains with fully funded liquidity.

The goal of the CZRED project is to increase the number of quality-controlled deliverables available to consumers through blockchain payments. CZodiac Defi investment bank provides liquidity for new products and services, including NFT games, project tokens, stable coins and others. CZR uses FairTribe's BurnPay technology which uses increases in locked liquidity to back issuance of CZUSD for staking rewards. CZR TribePools purchase CZRED project products and distributes to stakers proportionate to their CZRED stake. For CZRED stakers, this allows them to get a stream of interesting products. For businesses, TribePools create automatic demand for their products with minimal marketing expenditure.

The CZRED project has the following released features, with more to come: * Partnerships to deliver quality products globally via the FairTribe program. * CZR Staking and Rewards from FairTribe partners on * DEX Frontend routing for FairTribe partners and CZR trading on * CZUSD stablecoin for scaling liquidity of CZR and FairTribe partner tokens. * Staking Fee Removal with collectible NFTs from

How Many CZR Tokens Are There In Circulation?

Who Are The Founders Of CZRED?

Where Can I Buy CZRED?