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DGB to BNB: Live DigiByte to Binance Coin Rate

DGB to BNB converter




Binance Coin

DGB to BNB Rate History

Date1 DGB to BNB24h
Mar 26, 20250.00001706 BNB6.55%
Mar 25, 20250.00001601 BNB12.08%
Mar 24, 20250.00001428 BNB9.32%
Mar 23, 20250.00001306 BNB4.52%
Mar 22, 20250.0000125 BNB1.82%
Mar 21, 20250.00001228 BNB-4.99%
Mar 20, 20250.00001292 BNB-4.26%

This table shows the DGB to BNB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The DGB to BNB rate moved up by 15.07% in the last 24 hours.

DGB to BNB Chart

DigiByte to BNB Chart

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DigiByte to Binance Coin Data

The DGB to BNB conversion rate today is $0.01083. This is a decrease of NaN% in the last hour and an increase of 15.07% in the last 24 hours. The recent price direction of DigiByte is an increase because DGB is up by 37.63% against BNB in the last 30 days. Our converter updates in real time, giving you accurate price data every time you use it to make a conversion.

DGB to BNB Rate History

Date1 DGB to BNB24h
Mar 26, 20250.00001706 BNB6.55%
Mar 25, 20250.00001601 BNB12.08%
Mar 24, 20250.00001428 BNB9.32%
Mar 23, 20250.00001306 BNB4.52%
Mar 22, 20250.0000125 BNB1.82%
Mar 21, 20250.00001228 BNB-4.99%
Mar 20, 20250.00001292 BNB-4.26%

This table shows the DGB to BNB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The DGB to BNB rate moved up by 15.07% in the last 24 hours.

DGB / BNB Conversion Tables

The real-time conversion rate of DigiByte (DGB) to BNB is 0.00001716 BNB for every 1 DGB. The table below shows the live rate to convert different amounts, such as 5 DGB into BNB.

DGB to BNB Conversion Rates

AmountToday at 06:06:07 am
0.5 DGB0.000008582 BNB
1 DGB0.00001716 BNB
5 DGB0.00008582 BNB
10 DGB0.0001716 BNB
50 DGB0.0008582 BNB
100 DGB0.001716 BNB
500 DGB0.008582 BNB
1000 DGB0.01716 BNB

This table lists the live conversion rate of DigiByte (DGB) into Binance Coin (BNB) for many of the most popular multiples.

BNB to DGB Conversion Rates

AmountToday at 06:06:07 am
0.5 BNB29,130.26 DGB
1 BNB58,260.52 DGB
5 BNB291,302.62 DGB
10 BNB582,605.25 DGB
50 BNB2,913,026.23 DGB
100 BNB5,826,052.46 DGB
500 BNB29,130,262.28 DGB
1000 BNB58,260,524.55 DGB

This table lists the real-time conversion rate of Binance Coin (BNB) into DigiByte (DGB) for many of the most used multiples.

DGB to Fiat Conversion Rates

CurrenciesCurrent Price
DGB / AUD$0.01715
DGB / CAD$0.01546
DGB / CHFFr 0.00957
DGB / EUR€0.01004
DGB / GBP£0.008375
DGB / PHP₱0.6255
DGB / BTC0.0000001238 BTC
DGB / ETH0.000005261 ETH
DGB / ZARR 0.1979
DGB / NZD$0.01883
DGB / NGNNGN 16.63
DGB / SGDS$0.01449
DGB / INR₹0.9296
DGB / PKR₨3.0374

This table lists the current conversion rate of DigiByte (DGB) into many of the most popular fiat currencies and the largest cryptocurrencies.

DigiByte to Binance Coin FAQs

What is the price of 1 DigiByte (DGB) in Binance Coin (BNB)?

The price of 1 DigiByte (DGB) in Binance Coin (BNB) is currently about 0.00001716 BNB.

How much DigiByte (DGB) can I buy for 1 BNB?

Currently, 1 BNB can buy about 58,260.52 DigiByte (DGB).

What is the highest price of DGB/BNB in history?

DigiByte (DGB) reached the all-time high price of 0.0002892 BNB BNB on 5/1/2021.

How much has the value of DigiByte (DGB) changed against the Binance Coin (BNB)?

In the past month, the value of DigiByte (DGB) has increased by 37.6% against the Binance Coin (BNB).