Dione Protocol price


1.66% (1d)

Dione Protocol has migrated from erc20 to their own chain. For more details click here

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Dione Protocol statistics

Market cap


Volume (24h)


Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
13.43B DIONE
Max. supply
Circulating supply
10.14B DIONE
DIONE to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Apr 10, 2024 (10 months ago)
All-time low
Nov 05, 2024 (4 months ago)
See historical data

Dione Protocol has migrated from erc20 to their own chain. For more details click here

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About Dione Protocol

Dione Protocol emerges as a groundbreaking initiative within the blockchain ecosystem, focusing on sustainability through innovative Layer 1 (L1) technologies. At the heart of Dione Protocol's vision is the seamless integration of blockchain technology with renewable energy, aiming to establish a new paradigm in environmental responsibility and energy efficiency within the crypto space.

The protocol features a suite of products, each serving a unique role in realizing this vision. Orion, Dione Protocol's flagship offering, represents a decentralized physical infrastructure product (DePIN) designed to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the detection and validation of green energy sources. By identifying and incorporating renewable energy into the blockchain, Orion sets a precedent for sustainable practices within the industry.

In development is Odyssey, an L1 blockchain solution powered entirely by renewable energy. Odyssey's architecture is being crafted to not only support the decentralized nature of blockchain but to also ensure that every transaction and operation within the Dione ecosystem contributes positively to the global shift towards sustainability. This forward-thinking approach underscores Dione Protocol's commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of blockchain technology, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

Looking towards the future, Dione Protocol plans to introduce Nebra, a peer-to-peer renewable energy marketplace. Envisioned as the 'Uber for energy' within the renewable sector, Nebra aims to democratize access to green energy, allowing individuals to trade and share renewable resources efficiently and transparently. This long-term initiative is indicative of Dione Protocol's overarching goal to integrate blockchain technology with tangible, real-world applications in renewable energy, facilitating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

What is Dione Protocol?

How is Dione Protocol secured?

How will Dione Protocol be used?

What key events have there been for Dione Protocol?


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