Dreamr price

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Total supply
Max. supply
210M DMR
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About Dreamr

The Dreamr Platform is a mobile application combining aspects of social media, decentralized finance, and P2P tools to create a more practical way to pursue one's goals and dreams.

The DMR token by Dreamr Labs Ltd. is a utility-token used within the Dreamr ecosystem, with a primary function of staked-governance of the Dreamr platform. Staking DMR on the platform unlocks premium featues called Dreamr+, which are otherwise only available via paid subscription. 33% of the DMR Supply has been allocated to the community and is distributed via in-app rewards.

The Dreamr Ecosystem ("Dreamr") encompasses a Conglomerati of organizations working harmoniously to build innovative products and produce top-quality inspirational content around the core premises of; the psychology of goal achievement, unity over separation, and leveraging technology to make practical the pursuit of one's dreams. Dreamr comprises a digital platform, the dreamr app, as well as physical components like The Dream Machine Tour, which leverage the app's community to produce real-world events and media. Dreamr has a core philosophy of delivering its community value first and utilizes giving back as a practical model to create value through its philanthropic arm, The Dream Machine Foundation. Find out more at