Earncraft price

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About Earncraft

Earncraft is a play 2 earn game Metaverse in which players are able to get money while playing. It is a free to play game that integrates a Binance Smart Wallet for each player. Giving them the ability to pay other players tokens inside the game. It is the first game on the blockchain to introduce an in-game wallet with in-game blockchain transactions.

The game is live and can be downloaded from our website for free.

The map is divided into 4096 PLOT NFTs (Lands) that will be sold at different land sales during the following years. The lands are NFT that can be traded on Opensea.

The game is based in a free market economy, were users are able to sell and buy resources, rent land, participate in daily competitions, promoting images on your land about others projects, playing in the casino, planting crops, and much more… Like in real life, the only limit is imagination.

A PLOT NFT is a digital piece of real-estate in Earncraft’s metaverse. Holding a PLOT NFT in your wallet, gives you access to build digital experiences, such as games, in game stores, social hubs and much more. Also, you can rent your PLOT to other people in order to obtain passive income.