Freemoon price

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About Freemoon

What is Freemoon?

Freemoon is a Binance Smart Chain Token which enables users to contribute to the legal funds of Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht and WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange. These gentlemen contributed to Bitcoin's growth in it's early years and now Freemoon enables the crypto community to give back to them as a token of gratitude.

Freemoon is a token featuring:

-Limited Supply -Yield sent to holders if spent by others -Deflationary -Contributions to a fund for legal defenses for Bitcoin early adopters Ross Ulbricht and Julian Assange

How many Freemoon coins are there in circulation?

-There are currently approximately 799,999,926,224,042 Freemoon tokens in circulation -Freemoon launched with a Total Supply of 1 Quadrillion tokens. -200 Trillion Dev Tokens were burned at launch. -300 Trillion tokens have been set aside for community development.. -For further price stability, Freemoon will use DxLock to restrict 50% of the supply for a duration of 4 years.

Where can you buy Freemoon?

Freemoon is currently available on PancakeSwap. Comprehensive step by step instructions to purchase are available here

What makes Freemoon unique?

Unlike other deflationary tokens, Freemoon sets aside a 5% transaction fee for the legal defenses of Julian Assange and Ross Ulbricht. These are two individuals who have aided in the use and adoption of cryptocurrency in it's earliest years and who are being unfairly persecuted by draconian governments. Freemoon aims to build a community which helps set free these unjustly persecuted individuals.