King Cardano price

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About King Cardano

King Cardano is the king of tokens. This is the first auto-claim ADA token with the highest paying yields of up to 9%. Simply hold KADA tokens and get rewarded in ADA on every transaction.

There’s NO waiting or need to claim your rewards. It happens instantly and automatically.

The longer you hold KADA tokens, the more you earn in rewards and the closer you are to becoming the King. Why settle for 7-8% rewards or waiting around for your rewards when we can reward holders instantly with 9% from every SELL transaction!

Additionally, we the King Cardano protocol leads to a rise in price on EVERY transaction. 3% of each transaction gets bought back in the open market and burned forever, therefore increasing the value on everyone’s coins

Cardano was created by one of the co-founders of Ethereum, so it shares many similarities to its crypto competitor. It also serves as a platform for smart contracts, which is one of the biggest advantages of Ethereum.

Also, while Ethereum is currently transitioning from a PoW network to a PoS network, Cardano already uses a PoS system. That makes it more environmentally friendly and faster than its competitors.

Like Bitcoin, Cardano also has a limit on how many tokens can be produced, which creates a sense of scarcity and can help drive up its value over time.