Litecoin S price

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Total supply
Max. supply
607.23M LTS
Circulating supply

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About Litecoin S

Litecoin S intends to provide services through platformization so that virtual currency can be used in real life.

Litecoin S intends to provide services such as payment, remittance, currency exchange, international remittance, cryptocurrency collateral transaction, and cryptocurrency derivatives based on the following key features in order to have value as currency.

Litecoin S Platform will support overall technical solutions necessary for various transactions and investment operations, and build complex solutions such as transaction systems, reservation systems, various payment systems, purchase systems, and big data DBs on top of the blockchain technology platform.

we will build an online API service and payment service in case you want to link with various cryptocurrencies in an external utility service, and provide pay service, payment information, and community information for real life.