Metafury price

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Total supply
Max. supply
Self-reported circulating supply
449.99K FURYX

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About Metafury

Metafury launched on January 24th 2023, is a digital trading company that focuses on crypto and forex trading. It is registered in Luxemburg and the United Kingdom. Metafury provides financial markets data and infrastructure for decades, covering everything from pre-trade analytics and analysis. Within the Metafury futureverse ecosystem, information and insights are provided with the combination of Cryptoverse and forexverse technology that enable customers to execute critical investing, trading, and risk decisions with confidence.

Metafury has an advanced multi-asset crypto and forex platform that is built on futureverse collaboration for worldwide education. The platform helps its community of users to connect, share, learn, and earn more by combining a unique open platform with best-in-class data and expertise.


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