MetaPortal Gaming Index price

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Self-reported circulating supply
12.32K GAME

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About MetaPortal Gaming Index

The MetaPortal Gaming Index ($GAME) is designed to provide exposure to the emergent crypto gaming space. Investing across games, virtual worlds and gaming platforms, $GAME is a simple and effective way to express the view that crypto games will capture a greater share of the burgeoning gaming market.


The index aims to provide exposure to a nascent and fast-moving sector through the simplicity of a single token. As with most thematic indices, GAME holders benefit from the following: - Always holding the top gaming tokens by market capitalization. - Eliminating gas fees associated with rebalancing a portfolio. - No need to research tokens or try to pick winners in the sector.


Selection of tokens is based on the following basic criteria: - Tokens must be ERC20 available on Ethereum mainnet. - The protocol must be in one of the following token categories, as defined by MetaPortal - Metaverse Categories: Gaming, Virtual Worlds and Platforms. - For Platforms and Virtual Worlds, only those focusing on gaming will be considered for inclusion. - The token must have reasonable and consistent DEX liquidity on Ethereum. - In the event of a security issue the methodologist will work with the project team to understand the issue and any effects to $MVI holdings. The team is expected to provide users of the protocol with a reliable solution and adequate documentation to ensure transparency about the incident.

Index Weight Calculation

  • Weights are calculated using square root of market capitalization.
  • There will be a 25% maximum allocation cap on single positions.
  • Excess weight for a given token will be redistributed to the remaining components on a weighted basis.

Index Maintenance

The index will rebalance on an ad-hoc basis, but at least quarterly, at the discretion of the methodologist.