Moeta price

Moeta has migrated their old contract address to a new one. For official announcement, kindly visit here.
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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Total supply
Max. supply
Self-reported circulating supply
966.62K MOETA

Moeta has migrated their old contract address to a new one. For official announcement, kindly visit here.

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About Moeta

Generally, tokens are burned to either increase the value of a crypto asset by reducing the supply or to create publicity and visibility for a token. Both of these are considered “bullish” by investors and being able to invest during a major token burn could see the value of that investment appreciate considerably.

Among the tens of thousands of tokens that are running across chains, the only way to keep a track of all burns – major or minor – is to do it manually, by keeping track of tokens across various social media, which can be difficult for even the sharpest of investors.

Moeta developed a set of utilities and features designed around burns, making it easier for investors to keep track of burns and stay on top of the market and make calculated investment decisions.