EGLD to EUR: Live MultiversX to Binance Coin Rate
EGLD to EUR converter
EGLD to BNB Rate History
Date | 1 EGLD to BNB | 24h |
This table shows the EGLD to BNB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The EGLD to BNB rate moved down by 4.66% in the last 24 hours.
EGLD to EUR Chart
MultiversX to BNB Chart
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MultiversX to Binance Coin Data
The EGLD to EUR conversion rate today is $22.68. This is a decrease of NaN% in the last hour and a decrease of 4.66% in the last 24 hours. The recent price direction of MultiversX is a decrease because EGLD is down by 40.24% against EUR in the last 30 days. Our converter updates in real time, giving you accurate price data every time you use it to make a conversion.
EGLD to BNB Rate History
Date | 1 EGLD to BNB | 24h |
This table shows the EGLD to BNB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The EGLD to BNB rate moved down by 4.66% in the last 24 hours.
EGLD / EUR Conversion Tables
The real-time conversion rate of MultiversX (EGLD) to EUR is 0.03944 BNB for every 1 EGLD. The table below shows the live rate to convert different amounts, such as 5 EGLD into EUR.
EGLD to BNB Conversion Rates
Amount | Today at 04:35:18 am |
0.5 EGLD | 0.01972 BNB |
1 EGLD | 0.03944 BNB |
5 EGLD | 0.1972 BNB |
10 EGLD | 0.3944 BNB |
50 EGLD | 1.9721 BNB |
100 EGLD | 3.9442 BNB |
500 EGLD | 19.72 BNB |
1000 EGLD | 39.44 BNB |
This table lists the live conversion rate of MultiversX (EGLD) into Binance Coin (BNB) for many of the most popular multiples.
BNB to EGLD Conversion Rates
Amount | Today at 04:35:18 am |
0.5 BNB | 12.68 EGLD |
1 BNB | 25.35 EGLD |
5 BNB | 126.77 EGLD |
10 BNB | 253.54 EGLD |
50 BNB | 1,267.68 EGLD |
100 BNB | 2,535.36 EGLD |
500 BNB | 12,676.80 EGLD |
1000 BNB | 25,353.60 EGLD |
This table lists the real-time conversion rate of Binance Coin (BNB) into MultiversX (EGLD) for many of the most used multiples.
EGLD to Fiat Conversion Rates
Currencies | Current Price |
EGLD / AUD | $36.30 |
EGLD / CAD | $32.52 |
EGLD / CHF | Fr 20.53 |
EGLD / GBP | £18.19 |
EGLD / PHP | ₱1,318.08 |
EGLD / BTC | 0.0002313 BTC |
EGLD / ETH | 0.00833 ETH |
EGLD / BNB | 0.03944 BNB |
EGLD / ZAR | R 424.08 |
EGLD / NZD | $40.11 |
EGLD / NGN | NGN 38,092.47 |
EGLD / SGD | S$30.69 |
EGLD / INR | ₹1,975.93 |
This table lists the current conversion rate of MultiversX (EGLD) into many of the most popular fiat currencies and the largest cryptocurrencies.