Pentagon Finance price

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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Total supply
Max. supply
20.45M PENT
Self-reported circulating supply
3.83K PENT
Self-Reported Tags
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About Pentagon Finance

Pentagon Finance delivers high-yielding DeFi-as-a-Service to investors. The goal of Pentagon Finance is to make it easier to access safe, reliable and high-yield passive income. This is done through the creation of Pentagon “nodes” with the native token; PENT.

Almost like a farm, node-owners are continuously rewarded in the native token. Nodes come in different tiers, and can be fused to higher tiers as the investor racks up more nodes, enabling powerful compounding.

The protocol, along with the community will decide on DeFi protocols to allocate capital to. Traditionally these have been of the high-yielding farm sort, but can also include NFTs etc. Profits from the treasury investments will be injected back into the protocol token, benefitting investors.

The PENT token is supposed to be an indication of participation in the protocol and a stake in the treasury. PENT can also be used to stake and fuse nodes together.