QCHAIN price

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Total supply
2.71B QDT
Max. supply
2.71B QDT
Circulating supply


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What is QCHAIN Coin?

QCHAIN is a next-generation blockchain network where you can conduct transactions with the lowest fees in the cryptocurrency industry and within the blockchain ecosystem and on strategic partners' websites.

What makes QCHAIN Unique?

QChain has a developed system of smart contracts that describes (formalizes) any event in human life, from the purchase and sale of goods and services, accounting for logistic events, and ending with copyright tracking and interaction with legal entities, as well as a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any area of human activity. QChain is a full-fledged blockchain platform capable of operating in both private and public mode for government, commercial and private activities. This is a platform that can be used both for working with thin clients and for more powerful processors, base stations, as well as the latest electronic and computer technologies, including quantum computers. The capabilities of smart contracts allow you to create not a one-dimensional block chain, but a 4-dimensional one. In practice, this allows you to conclude a deal between several participants at once (up to 10 deals), which significantly expands the scope of this network.

Who are the Founders of QCHAIN?

Among fundamental factors towards achieving the success of any platform, the professional team is being one of the main pillars: Andrei Zaitev (CEO) Dmitry Buslov (CTO) Henri Morgan Napitupulu (advisor) Dave Stacey (advisor), Juan David (advisor)

What is QCHAIN?

How is QCHAIN secured?

How will QCHAIN be used?

What key events have there been for QCHAIN?


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