Resistance Pepe price

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Total supply
69.42M REPE
Max. supply
69.42M REPE
Self-reported circulating supply
69.42M REPE

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About Resistance Pepe

The Resistance Pepe project was officially launched on July 5th, 2024. Resistance Pepe was created as a Token on the Ton Network Blockchain with the ticker symbol REPE. The supply of Resistance Pepe Tokens is currently 69,420,000 and there will never exist more tokens than this. The contract address is EQAuYQbkxOC75eR-rTepuOCLrdv1ruAI09xigyl3kiTk24K5 .

Resistance Pepe is a memecoin project based upon a variation of the infamous pepe meme. Resistance Pepe is a blueskin pepe variation commonly seen wearing a black hoodie next to a sign with the words "Join the Resistance".

Resistance Pepe aims to promote freedom of speech and expression wherever he / they go.

The project aims to release daily Resistance Pepe artwork which will be turned into NFTs. Individuals will be able to purchase these NFTs using the REPE token and the majority of proceeds will go towards coin burning mechanisms.