
Shichi price

Smart contract of the following asset can be modified by the contract creator (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please exercise caution before taking any action and DYOR.
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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Total supply
1B 七
Max. supply
1B 七
Self-reported circulating supply
1B 七

Smart contract of the following asset can be modified by the contract creator (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please exercise caution before taking any action and DYOR.

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About Shichi

Shichi $七 aims to be as the Shichi Fukujin. Shichi will open its temple doors for the community to enter. As long as you hodl $七, you will bring about great honor and fortune to all that seek it. Shichi will develope an ecosystem for all to join. The Shichi Fukujin will guide our journey.