Squid Game (squidgametoken.vip) price


0.92% (1d)

Squid Game has migrated from old contract address to a new one. For official announcement, kindly visit here. It appears that this asset can now be traded freely on various exchanges. The project is now ostensibly run by the community after the initial rugging allegations. Please do your own due diligence. This project, while clearly inspired by the Netflix show of the same name, is NOT affiliated with the official IP.

Squid Game (squidgametoken.vip) to USD Chart

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Squid Game (squidgametoken.vip) statistics

Market cap


Volume (24h)


Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
996.17M SQUID
Max. supply
996.17M SQUID
Self-reported circulating supply
936.17M SQUID
SQUID to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Nov 01, 2021 (3 years ago)
All-time low
Mar 13, 2025 (17 days ago)
See historical data

Squid Game has migrated from old contract address to a new one. For official announcement, kindly visit here. It appears that this asset can now be traded freely on various exchanges. The project is now ostensibly run by the community after the initial rugging allegations. Please do your own due diligence. This project, while clearly inspired by the Netflix show of the same name, is NOT affiliated with the official IP.

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Squid Game (squidgametoken.vip) Markets

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About Squid Game (squidgametoken.vip)

What Is Squid Game (SQUID)?

Squid Game is originally a meme coin on BNB Smart Chain . Squid Game V2 Token (SQUID), an upgrade to the older and risky proxy contract, and evolving from a BNB Smart Chain meme token to an innovative OFTV2-powered coin, is now community-owned and leaderless. United by passion, our volunteers have revitalized SQUID, promising a future of secure cross-chain interoperability and growth. The transition from SQUID Game V1 to SQUID Game V2 (SQUID) marks a pivotal shift towards heightened security and trust. The SQUID V1's proxy contract presented vulnerabilities that we've decisively addressed with SQUID Game V2.

Why should I hold Squid Game?

  • Verified, Safe and Secure

The smart contract of SQUID Game V2 has undergone a comprehensive verification process, ensuring its integrity and security. This meticulous scrutiny affirms that the contract operates autonomously, free from external influence or control. The transition from SQUID V1 to SQUID Game V2 (SQUID) marks a pivotal shift towards heightened security and trust. The SQUID V1's proxy contract presented vulnerabilities that we've decisively addressed with SQUID V2.

  • Decentralized

Embracing the pioneering spirit of $BTC, $DOGE, and $SHIB, the SQUID Game V2 Token embodies the essence of decentralization. Flourishing without a central founding team, SQUID is steered by the collective will of its vibrant community, anchored in the BNB Smart Chain's robust ecosystem. Our holders are not just investors but the heart and soul of SQUID, orchestrating its journey towards a horizon brimming with boundless opportunities. They are the guardians of SQUID's legacy, ensuring that every decision reflects the community's vision and ethos, solidifying SQUID's place as a token truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

  • Immutable Supply, Zero Tax on BSC and Base, 1% Tax on Solana!

In the realm of SQUID Game V2 on the BNB Smart Chain, transparency and integrity reign supreme. We uphold a principle of absolute fairness, ensuring no hidden taxes or additional minting tarnish our token's integrity. To counter bots on Solana, a 1% tax is included for marketing and team rewards in the future.

How you're protected?


Where Can You Buy Squid Game V2 (SQUID)?

The future of Squid Game V2 Token (SQUID)


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