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SUN to RUB: Live Sun [New] to Russian Ruble Rate

SUN to RUB converter


Sun [New]


Russian Ruble

SUN to RUB Rate History

Date1 SUN to RUB24h
Mar 29, 2025₽1.37-1.92%
Mar 28, 2025₽1.40-1.20%
Mar 27, 2025₽1.411.75%
Mar 26, 2025₽1.390.45%
Mar 25, 2025₽1.380.83%
Mar 24, 2025₽1.37-0.36%
Mar 23, 2025₽1.38-1.23%

This table shows the SUN to RUB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The SUN to RUB rate moved down by 2.38% in the last 24 hours.

SUN to RUB Chart

Sun [New] to RUB Chart

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Sun [New] to Russian Ruble Data

The SUN to RUB conversion rate today is ₽ 1.36. This is a decrease of NaN% in the last hour and a decrease of 2.38% in the last 24 hours. The recent price direction of Sun [New] is a decrease because SUN is down by 5.16% against RUB in the last 30 days. Our converter updates in real time, giving you accurate price data every time you use it to make a conversion.

SUN to RUB Rate History

Date1 SUN to RUB24h
Mar 29, 2025₽1.37-1.92%
Mar 28, 2025₽1.40-1.20%
Mar 27, 2025₽1.411.75%
Mar 26, 2025₽1.390.45%
Mar 25, 2025₽1.380.83%
Mar 24, 2025₽1.37-0.36%
Mar 23, 2025₽1.38-1.23%

This table shows the SUN to RUB conversion rate history for each day of the previous week. These historic prices are taken at the daily closing at 00:00 (UTC+0). The SUN to RUB rate moved down by 2.38% in the last 24 hours.

SUN / RUB Conversion Tables

The real-time conversion rate of Sun [New] (SUN) to RUB is ₽1.37 for every 1 SUN. The table below shows the live rate to convert different amounts, such as 5 SUN into RUB.

SUN to RUB Conversion Rates

AmountToday at 08:29:09 pm
0.5 SUNrub 0.6843
1 SUNrub 1.37
5 SUNrub 6.84
10 SUNrub 13.69
50 SUNrub 68.43
100 SUNrub 136.86
500 SUNrub 684.31
1000 SUNrub 1,368.62

This table lists the live conversion rate of Sun [New] (SUN) into Russian Ruble (RUB) for many of the most popular multiples.

RUB to SUN Conversion Rates

AmountToday at 08:29:09 pm
0.5 RUBSUN 0.3653
1 RUBSUN 0.7307
5 RUBSUN 3.65
10 RUBSUN 7.31
50 RUBSUN 36.53
100 RUBSUN 73.07
500 RUBSUN 365.33
1000 RUBSUN 730.66

This table lists the real-time conversion rate of Russian Ruble (RUB) into Sun [New] (SUN) for many of the most used multiples.

SUN to Fiat Conversion Rates

CurrenciesCurrent Price
SUN / AUD$0.0257
SUN / CAD$0.02329
SUN / CHFFr 0.01426
SUN / EUR€0.01489
SUN / GBP£0.01251
SUN / PHP₱0.9291
SUN / BTC0.0000001959 BTC
SUN / ETH0.000008891 ETH
SUN / BNB0.00002682 BNB
SUN / ZARR 0.2962
SUN / NZD$0.02833
SUN / NGNNGN 24.81
SUN / SGDS$0.0217
SUN / INR₹1.3853
SUN / PKR₨4.5382

This table lists the current conversion rate of Sun [New] (SUN) into many of the most popular fiat currencies and the largest cryptocurrencies.

Sun [New] to Russian Ruble FAQs

What is the price of 1 Sun [New] (SUN) in Russian Ruble (RUB)?

The price of 1 Sun [New] (SUN) in Russian Ruble (RUB) is currently about ₽1.37.

How much Sun [New] (SUN) can I buy for ₽1?

Currently, ₽1 can buy about 0.7307 Sun [New] (SUN).

What is the highest price of SUN/RUB in history?

Sun [New] (SUN) reached the all-time high price of ₽4.59 RUB on 10/20/2021.

How much has the value of Sun [New] (SUN) changed against the Russian Ruble (RUB)?

In the past month, the value of Sun [New] (SUN) has decreased by -5.2% against the Russian Ruble (RUB).