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5.14% (1d)

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Price performance
All-time high
Jul 27, 2022 (3 years ago)
All-time low
Feb 15, 2025 (7 days ago)
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About Tari World

  • What is Tari World (TARI)?

Tari World is a metaverse-based total business & networking solution. We provides environment for business as comfortably as offline and also configure the optimized networking system by matching users with common interests in business-related content.

There are two issues that Tari World focued on. First, There is no platform to talk about business to users as comfortably as offline. Second, fees for using the brokerage platform occur excessice in contracts. Tari World solved these issues with three following methods.

First, Tari World build a metaverse focused solely on business & networking unlike other metaverse platforms. Influencers and freelancers, the public and businesses all come to Tari World for business purposes, and to comfortably talk about specific interests and ideas. It is focused on business, so it matches the right people for the purpose, and provides all the functions users need to network.

Second, Tari World overcomes the limitations of non-face-to-face platforms. Tari World offers several PFP composition items to express oneself in reality and allows the customization of personal offices and buildings. In addition to this, by allowing the space to be decorated with one's own portfolio or PR materials, it is possible to form a more complete personal PR space than reality. If users decorate their characters and their spaces to express their personalities within Tari World and display materials such as portfolios, companies can easily find models that best match their brand or projects.

Finally, in Tari World, no brokerage fees incurred between contracts. Influencers, freelancers, brands, and companies are free to meet and contract with each other in Tari World, and there are no brokerage fees incurred in the process . Since there is no burden from fees, more people will flow to Tari World, which will then activate the platform.

  • Who Are the Founders of Tari World? Tari World is developed by Ki Hu Kwon, Hyang Su Kim, both of whom have extensive experience in programming. Ki Hu Kwon has worked as a development team leader in two places, ncsoft and WeMade. Based on his experience with ncsoft and WeMade, he is in charge of the core development of Tari World. Yong Hwan Jeon has worked as a developer at NCSoft, Rising Games, and Rocket Mobile.

The two people met while Ki Hu Kwon worked at NCSoft, and began to develop metaverse platform focused on business in Jan 2022, This project became what is now the Tari World, and now includes developers and designers with experience at metaverse.

  • What is the distribution plan of Tari World (TARI)? There is a maximum supply of 1.5 billion TARI. 3 rounds of token sales of TARI tokens were held in May 2022. 0.15 billion TARI distributed by token sale, and approximately 0.45 billion TARI will be used to expand ecosystem and maintain the pool.

About 0.525 billion TARI are allocated to fund future works such as extending services, Liquidity & Staking, ecosystem improvements and more. Other TARI will be used for marketing, team, advisors and partners.


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