VersalNFT price

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500M VER
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About VersalNFT

VersalNFT is a blockchain-based virtual legal space that contains a multi-user interface for creating, storing, and managing data. The project team offers universal tools based on blockchain technology, in particular NFT, which can be used in various traditional business sectors striving for the digitization of processes, as well as for all participants in the digital art market, including NFT creators, buyers, and NFT marketplaces. The basic tool of the platform is the NFT-signature, containing information about the owner, with which the user can sign various personal and business documents, including a certificate of copyright registration for NFT content. All tools offered by VersalNFT are based on a legal concept that complies with English law. The VersalNFT concept was developed by international lawyers and is currently being developed and finalized by world-class experts.

The V+R token is an independent unit of value that VersalNFT uses to manae the economy of the virtual leal space and user access to all platform services.