VoltSwap price

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Total supply
Max. supply
Self-reported circulating supply
53.87M VOLT
Self-Reported Tags
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About VoltSwap

VoltSwap 'The Layer 2 swap for the people' is the first front running resistant cross chain asset DEX built in the Meter ecosystem.

Key Features: 1. Lightning-fast transactions with super low fees 2. Fully decentralized, 3. Community owned and 4. 100% front-running resistant 5. Cross-chain arbitrage with Meter Passport 6. ERC721 NFT contract-based smart wallet for yield farming

Governance Token:

  1. Volt is a governance token that also rewards its holders with a share of exchange revenues with its single-sided staking mechanism.
  2. Volt enables users to drive protocol policies and direction and lead to the gradual, continued development of the service.
  3. The max supply of Volt is 100M with 90% of the supply being distributed to the Farms over 4 years.