Xeebster price

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Total supply
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Self-reported circulating supply
494.89T XEEB

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About Xeebster

What is Xeebster (XEEB)?

Xeebster is an umbrella company that has income-generating entities under itself. Our goal is to create value for our token using the revenues generated from these new companies. Without revenue generation, a cryptocurrency is not adding true value that a company needs to survive (buying and selling cryptocurrency adds liquidity but not true value). Hence, our desire is to add true value to XEEB for our investors.

How Many XEEB Coins Are There in Circulation?

XEEB token launched on December 2, 2021 with 1 Quadrillion tokens. 50% of supply was immediately sent to the burn wallet. 1% of total supply went to the marketing wallet which earns BUSD rewards. 1% of total was allocated for the DEV wallet which earns BUSD rewards. 1% of total supply is allocated for the team which is excluded from receiving BUSD rewards. Another 1% is allocated for the airdrop campaign on CoinMarketCap.

Why Xeebster?

XEEB token was started by Chris Kang, who saw that most token systems today offered very little value to the tokens themselves. In short, there are three reasons to be a Xeebster holder. First, our 10% BUSD rewards. Second, our unique revenue model. Third, our social media dating app, BEEX.

Xeebster Incorporated is a legal US entity formed in the State of North Carolina. We registered as an S-Corporation to provide trust and transparency in our business model. Our business model is UNIQUE.

Xeebster is an umbrella company that will create income generating entities under itself. Our goal is to create value for our token using the revenues generated from these new companies. We believe that without revenue a cryptocurrency is not adding real value that a company needs to survive and also reflect in the value of the cryptocurrency. Buying and selling cryptocurrency adds liquidity but not true value for the cryptocurrency. Hence, our desire to add true value for our investors and our cryptocurrency.

Launched in November 2021, Lilyhans.com is our first company under Xeebster. Lilyhans is an online jewelry store that sets itself apart from other online businesses. While we accept major credit cards, we will always accept our own XEEB.

Another utility that our developers are currently working on is our new social media dating app, BEEX. Launching in Q1 2022, our dating app will be very similar to Tinder or Coffee Meets Bagels. Unlike these apps, we will be the first dating app to accept cryptocurrency. Our users will first need to purchase our tokens using our seamless credit card process. Once purchased, they will see the “amount of tokens available.” These tokens will be purchased as XEEBs but will not be reflected as XEEBs in their account. With these tokens, our app users will be able to interact with other members on the app. If the user wants to view messages or a detailed profile, they would simply send some tokens to the desired user. These interactions will increase utilization of our token. At the same time, our investors will see an enormous increase in their BUSD rewards.

In addition to the unique revenue model and the social media dating app, BEEX, our token metrics provide for a 10% BUSD reflections or rewards. With the above model it’s hard not to feel excited about the future of Xeebster and your holdings.