Trading Volume(24h)
$1,974,512,811.5722,313 BTC
About BVOX
Token | Balance | Price | Value |
ETH | 22,720.57 | $2,077.13 | $47,193,784.42 |
ETH | 4,152.23 | $2,077.13 | $8,624,759.3 |
USDT | 7,279,000.17 | $1 | $7,282,202.81 |
ETH | 3,465.66 | $2,077.13 | $7,198,657.9 |
USDC | 7,041,068 | $1 | $7,042,573.68 |
LINK | 408,942.46 | $15.55 | $6,361,498.17 |
BTC | 70.89 | $88,489.76 | $6,273,039.2 |
SHIB | 334,508,380,725.02 | $0.00001379 | $4,613,447.29 |
ETH | 2,000.98 | $2,077.13 | $4,156,313.8 |
ETH | 1,985.28 | $2,077.13 | $4,123,702.72 |
Only wallets with >500,000 USD balance are shown
* Balances from these wallets may be delayed
Token Allocation
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