Derivative Kereskedési forgalom (24 órás)
Ft 10,682,754,376,914.53349,840 BTC
Összes eszköz
Ft 1,902,591,320,145.63A(z) Bitget-ról
Bitget - Trade Smarter
What Is Bitget?
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 100 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real-time access to Bitcoin price, Ethereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices.
Bitget Wallet, formerly known as BitKeep (acquired by Bitget in 2023), is a decentralized multi-chain wallet featuring asset management, swaps, staking, live market data, a DApp browser, and crypto on-ramp and payment solutions. It is compatible with Ethereum, Solana, BNB Chain, and 100+ blockchains, supporting nearly a million tokens for seamless multi-chain trading. Backed by a $300+ million protection fund for asset security, Bitget Wallet ensures a secure and efficient user experience. It is accessible via mobile app, web browsers, browser extensions, and the Telegram mini-app and is integrated with the Budget Exchange.
Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM market, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.
Bitget Token (BGB) grants users exclusive privileges and rights, such as fee discounts, access to high-quality tokens through Launchpad, voting for project listings, and more. With 1.4 billion BGB coins in circulation and a total supply of 2 billion, Bitget ensures a rewarding experience for its community.
Who Are the Founders of Bitget?
With a background in traditional finance, Bitget’s founding team delved into blockchain technology in 2015 when they became intrigued after studying the Bitcoin whitepaper and Ethereum ecosystem. Bitget was then officially founded in 2018. Since then the exchange has grown tremendously.
Behind Bitget stands a visionary team of early blockchain adopters led by Chief Executive Officer - Gracy Chen, Chief Operating Officer - Vugar Usi Zade, Chief Business Officer - Min Lin, and Chief Legal Officer - Hon NG.
When Did Bitget Launch?
Bitget was launched in 2018.
Where Is Bitget Located?
Registered in Seychelles, Bitget operates in a decentralized manner. Bitget is registered as a VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) in Poland and Lithuania, Bulgaria and El Salvador (Bitcoin Service Provider)
Bitget Restricted Countries
Bitget provides services to customers in over 100 countries and regions, while it has restrictions on providing its products and services to certain countries and regions, including the US, Singapore, North Korea, Sudan, etc.
What Coins Are Supported on Bitget?
Bitget boasts a vast array of over 800 listed crypto tokens, offering more than 900 spot trading pairs. Popular coins include BTC, ETH, BGB, XRP, PEPE, DOGE, SHIB, BNB, LTC, APT and more.
How Much Are Bitget Fees?
Trading fees are charged in three ways on Bitget, as it adopts a market taker and maker fee structure. By paying with BGB, or reaching different tiers in VIP Program, the trading fees can be reduced further.
For spot trading, each trade carries a standard trading fee of 0.1% for both maker and taker, and paying in BGB only costs 0.08%. For futures trading, regular Makers and Takers are charged 0.02% and 0.06% fees, respectively.
Withdrawal fees vary based on tokens and market conditions, with minimum withdrawal amounts and daily trading limits varying as well.
Is It Possible To Use Leverage or Margin Trading on Bitget?
Bitget caters to traders seeking leverage with options available for both spot and futures trading. With leverage ratios up to 125x in futures and 10x in spot trading, users can amplify positions and potentially maximize profits
Token | Egyenleg | Árfolyam | Érték |
BTC | 6,667.84 | 30 514 651,49 Ft | 203 466 813 792,51 Ft |
BTC | 3,825.06 | 30 514 651,49 Ft | 116 720 372 829,16 Ft |
USDT | 288,602,608.63 | 367,22 Ft | 105 980 858 748,9 Ft |
BGB | 63,999,999 | 1540,28 Ft | 98 578 148 448,7 Ft |
BGB | 57,942,195.73 | 1540,28 Ft | 89 247 413 458,79 Ft |
USDT | 216,217,290.06 | 367,22 Ft | 79 399 469 691,89 Ft |
BGB | 49,999,999 | 1540,28 Ft | 77 014 178 138,6 Ft |
BTC | 2,300 | 30 514 651,49 Ft | 70 183 698 427,49 Ft |
BTC | 2,200 | 30 514 651,49 Ft | 67 132 233 278,47 Ft |
BTC | 2,000.08 | 30 514 651,49 Ft | 61 031 744 152,55 Ft |
Csak több, mint 500 000$ értékű tárcák vannak megjelenítve
* Az egyenlegek ezekben a tárcákban nem mindig naprakészek
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