Kereskedési forgalom (24 órás)
Ft 131,207,857,784.074,377 BTC
Összes eszköz
Fedezeti adatok nem elérhetőkA(z) HitBTC-ról
HitBTC is a crypto exchange that has over 800 trading pairs. The platform was created in 2013, and provides exchange, custodial and other related services.
HitBTC offers a range of APIs such as REST, WebSocket, FIX API. The UI was developed to meet the needs of the most demanding and sophisticated traders. Users can take advantage of rebates and competitive trading fees via the Trading Fee Tier system.
User security is reportedly secure via stringent security procedures, including cold storage and encryption technology. HitBTC also offers 2-factor authentication and various whitelists. The platform has reportedly decreased its data-access latency while expanding the platform's technical capabilities.The exchange works with individual customers and corporate clients, and has offices all over the world including Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Hong Kong, Beijing and Singapore.
Figyelmeztetés: Ez az oldal partnerlinkeket tartalmazhat. A CoinMarketCap pénzjutalomban részesülhet, ha meglátogatod a partnerlinkek egyikét és elvégzel egy meghatározott műveletet, mint például a regisztráció és kereskedés az adott partner platformon. Bővebb információkért vess egy pillantást a Partner Nyilatkozatra.