IceCreamSwap (Core)
Dex Kereskedési forgalom (24 órás)
Ft 1,113,492.510 BTC
A(z) IceCreamSwap (Core)-ról
IceCreamSwap is a multichain decentralized exchange (DEX) uses the unmodified Uniswap V3 Smart Contracts, which are battle-tested for multiple years now to provide user with the maximum security.
And IceCreamSwap has a built-in and home-grown DEX aggregator that employs algorithms and smart order routing techniques powered by artificial intelligence (AI).
A DEX aggregator is a platform or service that allows users to access liquidity from multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) through a single interface. Instead of manually searching for the best prices and executing trades on different DEXs, users can utilize a DEX aggregator to automatically route their trades to the exchange offering the most favorable prices at any given moment. This aggregation of liquidity helps users achieve better execution prices and reduced slippage, ultimately improving the trading efficiency.
# | Pénznem | Pár | Price USD | 1h Változás | 24h Változás | 24h Txns | 24h Volumen | Likviditás | Teljes hígított érték |
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