Kereskedési forgalom (24 órás)
Ft 1,627,311,553,256.4054,682 BTC
Összes eszköz
Ft 22,466,595,556.79A(z) Pionex-ról
Pionex is a product-driven global leader in cryptocurrency trading bots. Pionex is a cryptocurrency centralized exchange (CEX) that offers a professional platform with a fantanstically fast matching engine.Pionex provides a variety of quantitative trading robots, including the most well-known Grid Trading robots. Users can choose the most suitable robot according to their own trading needs and strategies. Additionally, Pionex offers Perpetual Futures and Futures Grid Trading robots for a more convenient Perpetual Futures trading experience.
Pionex has a 100% cryptocurrency storage reserve, and the Merkle tree is regularly updated on the official website. This allows users to view the details of their assets at any time. There is no misappropriation of user funds, allowing users to deposit and withdraw coins at any time. Pionex has trading tools and services that provide users with a valuable trading platform and establish a win-win relationship between users and Pionex.
When Did Pionex Launch?
Pionex was launched in 2019.
Where Is Pionex Located?
The company is headquartered in Singapore.
What Coins Are Supported on Pionex?
The exchange lists over 430 cryptocurrencies and supports more than 500 trading pairs. The platform lists major tokens including BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, MATIC, XRP, DOGE, SHIB, and DOT.
How Much Are Pionex Fees?
The fee structure is based on market taker and maker model. Trading fees on the platform is 0.05% for both makert taker and maker.
Token | Egyenleg | Árfolyam | Érték |
BTC | 50.01 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 488 262 131,95 Ft |
BTC | 50.01 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 488 262 131,95 Ft |
BTC | 50.01 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 488 262 131,95 Ft |
BTC | 50.01 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 488 262 131,95 Ft |
BTC | 50.01 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 488 262 131,95 Ft |
BTC | 50 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 487 964 539,04 Ft |
BTC | 50 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 487 964 539,04 Ft |
BTC | 50 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 487 964 539,04 Ft |
BTC | 50 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 487 964 539,04 Ft |
BTC | 50 | 29 759 290,78 Ft | 1 487 964 539,04 Ft |
Csak több, mint 500 000$ értékű tárcák vannak megjelenítve
* Az egyenlegek ezekben a tárcákban nem mindig naprakészek
Jogi nyilatkozat:
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Figyelmeztetés: Ez az oldal partnerlinkeket tartalmazhat. A CoinMarketCap pénzjutalomban részesülhet, ha meglátogatod a partnerlinkek egyikét és elvégzel egy meghatározott műveletet, mint például a regisztráció és kereskedés az adott partner platformon. Bővebb információkért vess egy pillantást a Partner Nyilatkozatra.