Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)
Rp 2,676,364,244,539.642,033 BTC
Aset total
Data cadangan tidak tersediaTentang BitKan
BitKan is a leading cryptocurrency broker exchange, partnering with over 7 major exchanges, including Binance and OKX. Through BitKan, users can access the combined trading depth of thousands of crypto tokens across multiple platforms—all with a single BitKan account. Established in 2012, BitKan officially launched its trading platform in 2019, supporting millions of users worldwide in exploring and trading digital assets.
Whether you’re new to cryptocurrency or an experienced trader, we offer a comprehensive range of intuitive tools and services comprising Spot Trading, Futures Trading, Bot Trading, and more. Our mission is to simplify the process of buying, selling, and managing crypto, empowering users to trade with confidence.
Security is our top priority at BitKan. We employ advanced technologies and rigorous protocols to ensure a secure and trustworthy trading environment. We take pride in providing a platform where users can trade safely, with security and trust as the cornerstones of our business.
All of BitKan’s features are available on both iOS and Android mobile apps, as well as on desktop, giving you access to the world of crypto anytime, anywhere.
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