Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)
Rp 1,769,995,164,633.951,278 BTC
Aset total
Data cadangan tidak tersediaTentang CoinCatch
CoinCatch, founded in Oct 2022, is a British Virgin Island-registered cryptocurrency exchange with a mission to be built for KOLs and grow with KOLs, offering spot and derivatives trading for most major coins. CoinCatch aims to offer a variety of trading products, including social trading, allowing its KOL partners to share their trading strategies inside out with their followers. With world-class liquidity and depth, the platform supports cross-margin and isolated-margin modes. It provides a diverse range of order options, including market orders, limit orders, Trailing Stop orders, take profit orders, stop loss orders, GTC (Good-Til-Cancelled), IOC (Immediate-Or-Cancel), Post-Only orders, and FOK (Fill-or-Kill) orders.
CoinCatch prioritizes the needs of both retail and institutional investors, providing a user-friendly interface with advanced trading tools while ensuring the highest level of security and reliability.
Penafian: Halaman ini mungkin berisi tautan afiliasi. CoinMarketCap mungkin mendapatkan kompensasi jika Anda mengunjungi tautan afiliasi dan melakukan tindakan tertentu seperti mendaftar dan melakukan transaksi pada platform afiliasi tersebut. Silakan lihat Pengungkapan Afiliasi.