Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)
Rp 48,594,060,549.9136 BTC
Aset total
Data cadangan tidak tersediaTentang Dzengi.com
Launched on 01/12/2018, Dzengi.com is a regulated tokenized securities exchange based in Minsk, Belarus. It aims to offer a one-stop place to trade cryptocurrencies and 2000+ tokenized assets, including stocks (Apple and Amazon), indices (S&P 500 and Dax 30), commodities (Crude oil and Gold), and a range of FX pairs with crypto or fiat.
All features are available on Dzengi.com mobile app for iOS and Android, and on desktop.
Dzengi.com has implemented robust AML/CFT measures, which include a mandatory, tiered approach to KYC.
Dzengi Сlosed Joint Stock company is a resident of the High Technologies Park (the Republic of Belarus) and is authorised under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus to carry out activities using digital signs (tokens).
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