mySwap (Starknet)
Volume Perdagangan Dex (24 jam)
Rp 00 BTC
Tentang mySwap (Starknet)
Introduction to mySwap Concentrated Liquidity AMM
Built on Starknet, mySwap's Concentrated Liquidity Automated Market Maker (AMM) leverages Starknet's cost-effective computation to offer trades at very low gas fees. It marries an intuitive user experience with unparalleled gas efficiency, establishing itself as a premier choice for both traders and liquidity providers. By concentrating liquidity within specific price ranges, mySwap facilitates more efficient trades, drastically reducing slippage and maximizing returns. It not only optimizes capital usage but also provides participants with a seamless and user-friendly interface, ensuring effortless navigation and interaction. Whether you aim to trade or provide liquidity, mySwap's Concentrated Liquidity AMM presents a compelling solution that blends superior performance with ease of use, transforming the Starknet DeFi landscape.
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