Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)
Rp 51,411,281,734,257.8139,044 BTC
Aset total
Data cadangan tidak tersediaTentang SuperEx
What Is SuperEx?
SuperEx is the world's first Web 3.0 cryptocurrency exchange, creating the most intuitive user experience for everyone to trade cryptocurrencies. SuperEx's mission is to create Web 3.0-based business models and technology solutions that enable decentralization of user assets and transactions, decentralization of the platform team, and complete decentralization of rights, driving user community autonomy, and allowing billions of users to experience cryptocurrency first-hand and enter the Web 3.0 crypto world together.
How Big Is The Volume of SuperEx?
In terms of users, SuperEx has over 10 million registered users, covering 166 countries and regions around the world, with an official Twitter followers of over 300,000, an official Telegram group with over 100,000 total users, and over 10,000 people online at any time. In terms of trading, SuperEx supports over 1,000 spot trading markets and over 300 trading markets for perpetual contracts.
What Are SuperEx Fees?
The platform is user-friendly, charges relatively low trading fees, and offers experienced investors a large variety of trading options and a set of advanced trading tools. SuperEx charges fees according to a tiered system, from regular users to VIP 9, in decreasing order. For trading fee details, check out the following link: https://www.superex.com/userCenter/fee/trading
Is It Possible To Trade on SuperEx With Leverage or Margin?
Traders can borrow funds and participate in margin trading on SuperEx Margin, which allows trading cryptocurrencies with up to 150 times leverage. Users can also use derivatives, such as contracts, to trade and settle in USDT, BUSD or other cryptocurrencies and SuperEx options.
Is It Possible To Do IEO on SuperEx?
Super Start, the premiere IEO platform, has been launched and is strictly selected for quality projects to protect users' rights and interests and to make all quality projects available for initial listing on SuperEx. Currently, Super Start has completed its first IEO project, raising 317% more than the expected amount.
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