CetoEX Exchange

CetoEX Exchange


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Werk je voor CetoEX Exchange?

Over CetoEX Exchange

CetoEX is a centralized exchange based in Dubai, UAE. It supports crypto no fees deposit & low fees withdrawal. Cetoex is a global cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider headquartered in UAE, with regional hubs in India. To date, Cetoex has processed more than USD$8 Million in transactions and has over 70K customers spanning 50+ countries.

CetoEX allows users to trade cryptocurrencies at the best available prices and offers ease of trading like no other cryptocurrency exchange. The platform allows users to buy and sell major crypto assets like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) & 70+ Crypto assets. CetoEX financial products include spot trading, launchpad & staking.

Our Roadmap:

August 2022 – First global cryptocurrency exchange to be officially licensed by the Dubai, UAE September 2023 – Our Launchpad released for crypto ICO October 2023 – Launching Staking Option & iOS App for our Apple Customers. December 2023 – Creating our first token on BSC Blockchain. February 2024 – Enabling Fiat Deposit & Withdrawal on our platform.

Cetoex also offers trading features such as: 1. User dashboard for pro traders 2. Low fees charged in Buy & Sell Crypto. 3. Encryption is used to secure each & every transaction. 4. User-friendly Interface for Trading.

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