Swingby Skybridge
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Rezerv verisi mevcut değilSwingby Skybridge Hakkında
Skybridge is a trustless token bridge that uses its proof-of-stake network to perform cross-chain swaps, allowing DeFi users to move assets between blockchains without a trusted party.
Skybridges main use cases are: - Moving assets across chains, i.e Bitcoin to WBTC on Ethereum - Liquidity farming - Metanode operation
Technically, each Skbirdge "bridge" consists of 50-100 Metanodes that use the latest in threshold signature cryptography ("TSS") and multi-party computing ("MPC") research to deliver a layer-2 cross-chain bridging protocol for users to move their assets from one blockchain to another. Each bridge exists as a proof-of-stake network.
All fees gathered by the Skybridge network are given back to network participants to incentivize further pooling of liquidity and the operation of Metanodes.
# | Para Birimi | Çift | Fiyat | +2% Derinlik | -2% Derinlik | Hacim | Hacim % | Güncellendi |
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