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UAH 761,866,150.68214 BTC
Сукупні активи
Резервні дані недоступніПро ONUS Pro
What is ONUS?
Launched in March 2020, ONUS is a cryptocurrency investment ecosystem. After 18 months of deployment and improvement, ONUS is one of the most used digital assets investment applications in Vietnam, with more than 4.5 million users and a complete ecosystem of investment products, offering access to over 600 assets.
ONUS focuses on new entrants to the cryptocurrency market by developing user-friendly, secure digital financial investment solutions that everyone can use.
How about ONUS Pro?
ONUS Pro is built entirely by the ONUS team based on the standards of a leading derivatives exchange. It operates under Lithuania, Czech and Poland's exchange licenses with four outstanding advantages:
UI/UX strengths: With a user-centred philosophy, ONUS always provides users with a convenient and stable trading experience.
High performance: ONUS Pro's matching engine can process up to 50,000 transactions per second, with a latency of less than 1 second for each order. ONUS Pro is built to become a leading global exchange in the coming years.
Abundant liquidity: ONUS Pro cooperates with providers to create ample liquidity for traders. Soon, this source of liquidity will continue to be supplemented and expanded.
Lowest fees: With fees ranging from only 0.01-0.04% (0.04% for market orders and 0.02% for Limit orders), ONUS Pro is one of the exchanges with the lowest fees today.
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