StreetSwap AMM
Volume data is untracked
Цей проект представлений як "Список без відстеження"
For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)
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Резервні дані недоступніПро StreetSwap AMM
Built on the Binance Smart Chain Network, Streetswap is geared for competitive growth and aims to constantly please users with design decisions.
Most AMMs do not reward LP holders with the full 0.3% swap fees even though they claim it. StreetSwap AMM aims to stand out in that it collects a total of 0.4% for swap fees of which the full 0.3% is paid to existing LPs and the other 0.1% is use to conduct AMM Buy-Backs.
# | Валюта | Пара | Ціна | +2% Depth | -2% Depth | Обсяг | Обсяг % | Оновлено |
Зараз немає даних |
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