Australian Securities and Investments Commission Charges Kraken Over Margin Trading Product
Crypto News

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Charges Kraken Over Margin Trading Product

Created 1yr ago, last updated 1yr ago

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has commenced legal action against cryptocurrency exchange Kraken's Australian provider Bit Trade.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Charges Kraken Over Margin Trading Product

Cryptocurrency Exchange Kraken Is Being Sued In Australia

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has commenced legal action against cryptocurrency exchange Kraken's Australian provider Bit Trade for failing to comply with design and distribution obligations for their margin trading product.

ASIC alleges that Bit Trade did not conduct proper analysis of the target market and distribution strategy for its margin trading product before making it available to Australian investors. Over 1,160 customers in Australia utilized the product and collectively incurred total losses of $8.35 million.

While ASIC warned Bit Trade of its non-compliance with statutory obligations regarding product design and distribution standards in June, the regulator alleges margin trading was nonetheless marketed and sold without correcting highlighted flaws.

ASIC deputy chair Sarah Court mentioned:

"These proceedings should send a message to the crypto industry that products will continue to be scrutinised by ASIC to ensure they comply with regulatory obligations in order to protect consumers."

When releasing new products, financial services firms in Australia are required by law to select acceptable target demographics and distribution channels based on consumer risk profiles.

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