Boinkers Farming Pool Launches on Telegram
Crypto News

Boinkers Farming Pool Launches on Telegram

Created 6h ago, last updated 6h ago

The Boinkers Farming Pool has officially launched, offering participants an opportunity to engage in the latest parody game within the cryptocurrency space.

Boinkers Farming Pool Launches on Telegram

The Boinkers Farming Pool has officially launched, offering participants an opportunity to engage in the latest parody game within the cryptocurrency space. The event commenced on March 6 at 8 a.m. UTC and is scheduled to conclude on March 13 at the same time.

This initiative allows users to farm the meme coin $BOINK, which is positioned as a humorous take on the broader crypto culture. Participants can stake tokens and earn rewards throughout the farming period. The maximum reward available for each user is set at 100 billion Shitcoins.

The Boinkers project is hosted on the Tomarket platform, which has been gaining traction in the realms of cryptocurrency and gaming. This collaboration is supported by prominent entities such as Foresight X and Bitget Wallet, which aim to improve user experiences in gaming, token earning, and trading.

Interested individuals can join the Boinkers Farming Pool by accessing the Boinkers Telegram channel, following the project's updates on Twitter, and visiting the official Boinkers website.

The initiative is described as one of the most vibrant meme-farming experiences available on Telegram, designed to attract both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

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