Kartik Patel has announced the launch of Anon World, a new social platform built on the Farcaster protocol, designed for anonymous user interactions.
Kartik Patel has announced the launch of Anon World, a new social platform built on the Farcaster protocol, designed for anonymous user interactions. The platform aims to facilitate community discussions with a Reddit-like interface while ensuring user anonymity.
At the core of Anon World’s functionality is the requirement for users to utilize zero-knowledge (ZK) credentials, which are stored locally in their web browsers.
This approach means no metadata or wallet information is collected, enhancing user privacy. To participate and post content, users must hold specific ERC20 tokens, initially supported on the Base network, with plans to include additional blockchain networks in the future.
Users can either maintain their credentials in a local wallet or link them to a passkey-based profile, ensuring a consistent identity across devices through connected posts.
Patel’s previous endeavor, AnonCast, also utilized the Farcaster protocol to enable anonymous posting. AnonCast allows users to share posts on Farcaster and relay their content to other social media platforms, such as X.
The platform requires users to demonstrate ownership of a specific amount of the ANON token to post, all while protecting their personal information through the use of zero-knowledge proofs.